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Weekendschool Súdwest-Fryslân
They receive lessons every two weeks on Sunday afternoons from guest teachers who have exciting, interesting or beautiful jobs and can talk about them with passion and enthusiasm. For example, the children receive lessons from a pediatrician, play a real court case with judges and lawyers, learn from a construction supervisor, hear from the police about how to arrest someone and from a children’s book writer about how to write and publish your own book.
The goal of weekendschool education is to offer students a broadening of their horizons, to challenge their limits and to develop their talents. They will work together on beautiful projects to learn more and work on their own future. The students follow a year-long program with the possibility of extending it to three years.
The students come from grades 7 and 8 of the primary schools in the municipality of Súdwest-Fryslân and on average attend school twice a month on Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. There are three classes at the Weekendschool: 2 classes in Sneek and 1 in Workum. Each class starts with approximately 25 students and has a fixed team of at least 3 people, consisting of a paid coach/teacher, supplemented with volunteers and/or interns.

The mission

We have the following central objectives:
- Broadening (future) perspectives of students in upper primary and lower secondary education by increasing their knowledge and insight in various fields, such as science, technology, citizenship and culture.
- Using and developing the talents of these students in the aforementioned areas to strengthen their self-confidence
- Yes, Weekend School is free so that all children who want to participate can also participate. The costs we incur are paid by, among others, the municipality and various funds.
- The recruitment of new pupils will start after the summer holidays and will go through the primary schools. There we give a presentation about the Weekend School to the students from group 7. Students who are interested will receive a folder to take home. They can discuss this with their parents at home. Children who register are then invited together with the parent(s) for an admission interview. All kinds of things are discussed there, such as motivation, presence and what we expect from each other. We think motivation is the most important thing and that is why we will mainly talk about it. When we have had the conversations with all the children, we decide which children will be admitted. It may happen that children are not with their friends.
- Every school year we start with about 25 students per class. Weekend school SWF Studio has about 18 young people per class.
- The school year runs from the end of October to the summer holidays. Weekend school SWF Studio starts earlier, namely mid-September
- There is no weekend school in the middle of the holidays, but it does happen that, for example, a weekend school afternoon is planned on the last Sunday of the Christmas or May holidays.
- Yes, the intention is that you are always there. Weekend School Súdwest-Fryslân is free but not without obligation. If you are accepted, we expect you to attend all classes and to actively participate. Children who are absent too often or who do not actively participate can be removed from Weekend School.
- If you are ill, you will be signed out by your parent(s).
- In the months of September and October we visit as many schools as possible in the municipality to give a presentation about the Weekend School. Students from all primary schools in the municipality can register. Registration starts in September each year.
We strive for growth in self-confidence. At Weekend School Súdwest-Fryslân we encourage students to believe in their own talents and possibilities. We encourage children to ask questions, dare to come up with ideas and be proud of themselves.
The following climate prevails at Weekend School:
- positive approach to the students
- personal attention to the unique talents of all students
- guidance in developing general skills and self-confidence
- encouraging personal initiative
- encourage and further direct curiosity